Hi...I'm Cristian,
Nice to meet you.
I’m Head of Client Care and I’m here to help you get ready for your call with Daniel.
Below is important information that will give you clarity and understanding on how we can help you live anxiety free.
Also, while these calls are free, Daniel’s time and expertise are valuable and the following guidelines below helps make sure your call will be productive and valuable for both of you.
Please read all the information carefully and if you have any questions at all please feel free to reach out to me at cristian@danielpackard.com
With care and support,

What's Provided Here
Nervous System Reset Information Including:
- Nervous System Reset Pricing and Packages
- How The No Change No Charge Guarantee Works
- Results Expectations
Call with Daniel Guidelines Including:
- Making a decision on the call
- How to join the program
- It’s fine to say ‘ no’
To have your call with Daniel we ask that you confirm with Cristian that you have read and agree with what is included on this page.
If you don’t confirm with Cristian your call with Daniel will unfortunately be cancelled.
Call Guidelines
- Daniel will decide if our program is a good fit for you on the call
- There is no high pressure sale.
- You can say ‘yes’ to joining and it’s fine to say ‘no.’
- Whatever you decide we ask that you decide on the call
- Please check finances ahead of time so that:
- a) You already know what you can afford
- b) You can put down a deposit if you want
- If you need a partner’s approval please have them on the call
What Are These Guidelines For?
These Call Guidelines are not meant to pressure you, but rather to:
a) Help ensure you are ready to move towards solving your anxiety.
b) Remove obstacles that may keep you from taking action towards feeling better.
Nervous System Reset Program
Additional Support
You were already sent a thorough breakdown of our 6-Week Nervous System Reset Program. However, here are the basics of what’s included:
- 4 x 90 min. Video Trainings
- 4 x Sets of Proprietary Exercises
- 4 x Habit creation audios
- Consistency Support
- 30 hrs. of Coaching Recordings
- 5 x Bonus Trainings
Review The Program
To review the full program breakdown click here
Additional Support
The Nervous System Reset Program is an automated online program.
However, depending on your needs and budget we offer different tiers of additional support including the following.
Personal Support Guide
You can have your very own highly trained member of Daniel’s team that will guide you through your process.
Your Support Guide Will:
- Be in daily contact (text/calls) with you
- Answer any questions you may have
- Make it easier to flow through process
- Help you stay committed & consistent
- You’ll feel supported and less alone
- You’ll be more engaged and committed
- You’re more likely to finish program
- You’re less likely to get confused/stuck
- More results faster
Private Coaching w/ Daniel
Through the 6 week program you can get a total of 4 x 90 min. private coaching sessions with Daniel.
In these 4 Sessions Daniel Will:
- Be in daily contact (text/calls) with you
- Answer any questions you may have
- Make it easier to flow through process
- Help you stay committed & consistent
- Personally tailored experience
- Impossible to get stuck or sabotage
- More results faster
- 100% success rate.
Nervous System Reset Program-
Success Rate = 90%
6 Weeks Improvement = 60%
Nervous System Reset Program + 6 Weeks of Support Guide-
Success Rate = 95%
6 Weeks Improvement = 70%
Nervous System Reset Program + 12 Weeks of Support Guide + Private Coaching w/ Daniel-
Success Rate = 100%
6 Weeks Improvement = 85%
All 3 packages above include the same
Nervous System Reset Program
(described earlier)
The packages differ in whether they include:
Personal Support Guide
(described earlier)
Private Coaching w/Daniel
(described earlier)
Which Package
If unsure which package is best for you, you can discuss with Daniel on your call.
Pay At The End
Payment Plans
Can't Afford It?
If you can’t afford any of the above these packages we understand and we don’t want money to keep you from happiness. So, let us know and we may be able to offer you something more affordable. Including a few scholarships we offer each month
Results Expectations
Success Rate:
90% (9 out of 10) experience permanent results
The Goal
The goal is to get you 80% improvement in 6 weeks. And while possible that is not typical. Below are typical results based on the last 150 test cases.
During Program
- You’ll start to feel better in the first few days
- Typical improvement per week = 10%
- Typical improvement by the end of 6 week program = 60%
- You’ll have built a daily habit to keep your results moving forward
After Program
- With tools you learned you keep lowering your anxiety.
- With enough time being 100% free is completely possible.
No Change No Charge Guarantee
Guarantee Explained
Nervous System Reset only asks you to pay at the end once you have clear, measurable results.
While up to 80% improvement in 6 weeks is possible, because results depend on multiple variables including your commitment level we can’t guarantee that.
We do however guarantee you only pay for the results you get:
Results Tracking
Using our online reporting software you will be reporting your anxiety levels (from 1-10) daily. This will show us/you exactly how much improvement you experienced over the 6 weeks.
We then ask you to pay only for the results you get.
Results/payment breakdown
- 0-20% improvement = Pay 0% of package price + deposit returned
- 20-40% improvement = Pay 50% of package price
- 40% or more improvement = Pay 100% of package price.
Typical Results
- 40% is just the guaranteed minimum for full payment
- However typical is at least 60% improvement in 6 weeks
- 80% improvement in 6 week is possible
- 100% improvement is possible over time.
Your End of The Deal
Time Requirements
- 20 min. of exercises (5 min exercises x 4 times/day)
- 20 min. habit creation audio before waking up/before bed.
- 20 min. of supplemental audio lessons
- Submit daily progress reports
If you don’t do your above responsibilities (85% of the time) you will be charged the full cost of the program regardless of the results you get. This is to help you stay accountable and consistent and ensure you get results.
There's Hope
We of course understand you may still have some skepticism you finally live anxiety free.
So, to give you some hope listen to these stories of former anxiety sufferers just like you that, thanks to Nervous System Reset are now living completely anxiety free.
I'm here for you
Cristian here again...
Thanks for taking the time to read all that.
I know it’s a lot of information but it’s there to give you clarity about how we can help you and what’s expected of you to help make that happen.
To confirm you call with Daniel, please let me know you’ve read and agree to what you’ve read.
And also, feel free to reach out to me for any reason at cristian@danielpackard.com
I’m here to help you.
With loving support,